Socks for Wine Lovers

Socks for Wine Lovers
Wine Themed Dress Socks by Soxfords
Minimalist design for the true cork-head, "Corked" was a really fun design to work on! I wanted to make sure that we had an alcohol-themed sock design in our repertoire - we had gone far too long without one.  
I didn't want this pattern to be busy.  Not only would it look silly, I wanted this to be focused on the wine - not just drinking.  With an abstract, minimalist approach to creating wine glasses, not only did the design look classy, it allowed for a larger pattern with more detail - which would not have been possible if we had opted for a busier pattern.
A simple outline of a bunch of grapes tops the cuff, which is a really cool accent.  But to the geek in me, the most fun part of the design is the "flavonol" molecule , which is the antioxidant profile of the grapes used in red wine, stitched at the toe.  
I chose a deep purple for the body with a lighter purple for the toe.  The colors complement the "Wine" theme, and contrast nicely with the red wine in the "glasses" pattern.
Let loose your inner sommelier with our wine-themed socks - "Corked"! 

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